Expressive, personal, intuitive art. Taking the natural beauty of the South Hams for inspiration and exploring within for interpretation.

My Process

I take what I see and the feelings evoked and interpret them back in the studio using sketches, photographs, notes and above all remembered impressions. ‘Look More Closely’ is the title of one of this series of paintings. It is what artists do and what I would love to help you to do. See afresh the familiar. Enhance your home with an injection of originality.

Wildflowers Spring artist residency series acrylic mixed media intuitive

Do you still notice and celebrate the art on your walls? Sometimes you just need to move them around so that you start seeing them again. Sometimes you just need to have a change, freshen and modernise your surroundings. Perhaps bring some warmer colours for Autumn, put the Summer paintings away to bring out again in the Spring. 

These are conversations I've had where I exhibit at the 'Art Hub' recently and people have said 'Oh I never thought of it that way!' If you haven't thought about it then take a fresh look at your pictures. Then take a look at what artists are creating. 

Why buy Paintings?

Take a look at my gallery. If you would like more information or to make a purchase contact me via email